Michele S, MI
Hi, I’m just checking in. So, I feel really good. All I’m taking is the B vitamin, magnesium, probiotic, added yogurt to my diet. I have really peeled the gluten, sugar away as of late. Working on not drinking a lot and especially no beer. I have to say that I feel the best I’ve ever felt probably since I was pregnant. I work really hard at finding a balance and my faith in Jesus that has helped me the most. Have a great day, and thank you Hillary.

Deb, OH
Hello Hillary! I have great news! I have a new D.O. that is now my Primary Care doctor. He arrived from the East Coast. When I first met with him two visits ago, he reviewed all my medical records. When he got to the 'diagnosis' of Meniere's given by the ENT. She asked me if she had done any blood tests. I replied in the negative. He then asked me how the ENT came to that diagnosis. I told him to ask her. So, he did a LipaseTest along with several other blood tests and he proved to me : NO MENIERE'S DISEASE! So I asked what he concluded was then the reason for all the ear & balance issues. He said it could be due to my age or, a virus that I had contracted. So, I owe all of my recovery to YOU and the regimen of vitamins and supplements you put me on! Thank you so much! I have not had any dizziness, nausea, headaches or loud noises in my ears. I still get a humming, but nothing like I had. I still get an occasional loud siren- like sound but it's rare. I do have ear pain but not as excruciating as it was. I see the acupuncture doctor once a week and I believe his treatment of my ears has helped a lot too.

Jessica, CA
This place is amazing! Not only is the staff super nice and helpful, their suggestions worked! I have been taking prescriptions for 20 years and having stomach issues and sleeping problems. They were able to suggest herbal supplements to make up for what my prescriptions were stripping from my body. I feel so much better! And this Green Goop salve they make in-house, only thing that helped cure a re-occurring rash! You don't need a reason to visit this place, just go browse!

Christina M, MI
Hillary and staff at Apothecary & Co. have been absolutely amazing! Their knowledge is extremely valuable and their willingness to answer questions is greatly appreciated. I have learned so much about vitamins and supplements. Due to the information, my family and I are now on a daily regimen and can feel the benefits they have on the body. I trust their products and have full confidence in what they recommend. I consider myself a loyal customer and highly recommend their services. Thank you!!

Peak Potential, MI
As a like-minded professional, I can't say enough positive things about this business. I have sent and will keep sending folks to Hillary and Sarah for the pharmacy, natural products, and overall health related services they provide. Whether you need a prescription filled or are looking for a natural solution to a problem or concern you have, Apothecary is your place. The walls are lined with natural products that have been carefully vetted for quality and efficacy. What's most important about this team, is the sense of community they create by connecting with other like-minded souls, offering educational workshops and creating a positive space to dialogue about improving one's health naturally and safely. Don't hesitate folks, stop in and create a connection with these professionals.

Laura G., MI
I have always said "What is meant for you will not pass you by", well Hillary Howell at Apothecary and Co. was meant for me!! I can't thank her enough for suggesting I get GeneMarkers PGX testing done. I have had several surgeries done in my life. Many opioids do not work for me and make me vomit. I have always struggled to make Dr.'s believe me. When I tell them Demerol ( Meperidine) works they think I am a drug seeker. My test came back and Hillary called me and was so helpful when she called and explained everything in detail, and said "you have so many opioids that your body can't process . One you can use is Demerol (Meperidine)". Thank so much Hillary and GeneMarkers.